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4 Things That Can Cause Irritated Gums

July 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — bearcreekfamily @ 10:11 pm
person pointing to their gums

Are you currently dealing with irritated gums? If so, it’s natural to wonder about the factors that may have led to this condition. Irritated gums can be uncomfortable and may indicate an underlying issue. But how did this happen? Being aware of the potential causes behind irritated gums can empower you to take appropriate actions to address this issue, so continue reading to learn more.

Not Flossing or Flossing Incorrectly

Approximately 70 percent of people do not floss daily, which is concerning considering that brushing alone eliminates only about 50 percent of oral plaque. The areas that remain inaccessible to brushing, such as the spaces between teeth, serve as breeding grounds for oral bacteria that can accumulate near the gums.

Consequently, this can lead to an inflammatory infection known as periodontal disease, characterized by red, sensitive, and swollen gums that may eventually recede. Even if you maintain a daily flossing routine, it’s crucial to ensure you’re doing it correctly to avoid potential issues.

Proper flossing technique involves gently gliding the floss between your teeth, avoiding snapping motions. Additionally, flossing should be done against both sides of your teeth, reaching beyond the gumline to effectively remove plaque in those challenging-to-access areas.

Brushing Too Hard

Surprisingly, it is possible to be too aggressive when brushing your teeth. Excessive force can accelerate enamel erosion and push the gums, leading to gum recession. Applying excessive strength is unnecessary for effective cleaning. Instead, opt for small, gentle circular motions while brushing to effectively remove food particles, plaque, and bacteria without causing irritation or gum recession.

Eating Certain Foods

Indulging in crispy chips or other crunchy foods poses a risk of injuring your gum tissue with sharp points or edges. Opt for alternatives like celery or carrots, which offer a satisfying crunch while also aiding in the cleaning of your teeth and gums.

While certain foods can directly affect gum tissues with their sharp edges, others can have an indirect impact. For example, sugary foods can fuel the growth of bacteria that contribute to gum infections, leading to tissue irritation. Excessive consumption of sweets increases the risk of gum disease, whereas reducing your intake of sugary treats can help prevent it.

Using Commercial Teeth Whitening

Over-the-counter teeth whitening treatments utilize different chemicals compared to those offered by dentists. Furthermore, the trays or strips used in store-bought treatments are not customized to fit your teeth, potentially causing the chemicals to come into contact with and irritate your gum tissue. Speak with your dentist about alternative options to whiten your beam.

No matter the underlying cause of your gum issues, it is essential to maintain a consistent oral hygiene routine. By doing so, you and your dentist can closely monitor your gums and work together to ensure they remain healthy and maintain their natural pink appearance!

About the Practice

At Bear Creek Family Dentistry, we generally take a preventive approach to oral health, but when it’s necessary, our dentists have the training and skills to treat periodontal disease. We have six locations, meaning we are always close by regardless of where you’re located in the area. Whether you are in close proximity to their Dallas, Duncanville, Arlington, Mesquite, Grapevine, or Fort Worth office, you can easily access exceptional dental services. If you have irritated gums, want to learn more about their services, or want to make an appointment with Bear Creek Family Dentistry, visit their website.

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