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Bear Creek Family Dentistry Blog

Dental Insurance Deductibles: Everything You Need to Know

June 28, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bearcreekfamily @ 11:41 pm
The word “Deductible” underlined with marker

Navigating dental insurance can be complex, and understanding your plan is crucial for managing costs effectively. One term that plays a pivotal role in your out-of-pocket expenses is “deductible.” Knowing how deductibles work can significantly impact the amount you save on dental care. So, continue reading to learn more about what a deductible entails and its implications for your dental treatment expenses.


Link Between Oral Bacteria & Declining Brain Health

June 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bearcreekfamily @ 11:52 pm
doctor reviewing brain scans

While oral health and overall wellness are commonly seen as separate, they are closely interconnected. Many health issues can heighten the risk of dental problems, and vice versa. Researchers have established links between gum disease and conditions such as heart disease, preterm delivery, and diabetic complications. Recently, studies have also highlighted a connection between poor oral health and declining brain health. Here’s essential information to maintain both your oral and brain health.


How to Handle a Dental Emergency on Summer Vacation

June 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bearcreekfamily @ 11:29 pm
person experiencing dental emergency holding cheek

After months of anticipation, planning, booking accommodations, and saving up for time off, your long-awaited summer vacation is finally here! Whether you’re traveling nearby or to a distant destination, the last thing you want is for your child to face a dental emergency during your well-deserved break. Unfortunately, emergencies can occur unexpectedly. If your child experiences a dental emergency on vacation, read on to learn the necessary steps to take.


How to Protect Your Lips from Sunburns

June 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bearcreekfamily @ 11:24 pm
closeup of someone who’s been sunburned

When it comes to sun protection, we often prioritize shielding our skin, but we may overlook a crucial area – our lips. Like the rest of our body, our lips are vulnerable to the sun’s powerful rays, and neglecting their protection can cause discomfort and damage. Read on to discover why it’s essential to protect your lips and effective strategies to keep them safe under the sun.


Summer Swimming: Can It Hurt My Teeth?

May 25, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bearcreekfamily @ 6:37 pm
Woman in blue suit swimming in a pool

Summertime is finally here, and it’s the perfect time to plan some fun in the sun. What could be more exhilarating than a swim? Whether you’re splashing around with family and friends or simply floating on a tube, the local pool is a great place to unwind. You can cool off with a few laps or kick back and relax as long as you like.

Did you know that the seemingly harmless act of swimming in chlorinated water can actually harm your teeth? Keep reading to learn more about why this happens and how to prevent it, so you can continue to enjoy the water while safeguarding your smile!


4 Variables that Can Affect the Cost of Your Braces

May 21, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bearcreekfamily @ 5:43 pm
Woman with braces smiling and holding money

It bothers you that your teeth are crooked, and it’s not just about aesthetics. When your teeth rest unevenly, it can cause some major discomfort. But maybe you want to do all of your research before you commit to braces. It makes sense to want to know the facts first!

No doubt one of the factors you’re considering is the potential cost of your braces. A specific figure is difficult to narrow down – every patient’s needs are unique. Your dentist will provide equally unique treatment, meaning that one patient’s braces could be very different from another’s. However, there are at least four general pricing variables that you’ll want to be aware of.


Safeguard Your Smile: 3 Reasons to Get a Checkup Before Vacation

May 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bearcreekfamily @ 3:46 pm
Man, woman, and two little girls laughing while closing a brown suitcase together

Summer is just around the corner, and with the school year wrapping up, it’s the perfect time to plan a vacation. Whether you’re traveling to faraway cities to learn something new or camping in the woods sharing ghost stories, there are plenty of ways to make memories with your loved ones this season.

With all the excitement of start-of-summer activities, it’s easy to overlook the importance of a dental checkup. However, the last thing you want is to deal with dental problems while you’re away from home. A routine appointment now can help you avoid potential issues that might arise during your trip. Read on to discover 3 good reasons to see your dentist before you and your family set off on your summer adventure!


Medical and Dental Insurance: Is There a Significant Difference?

May 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bearcreekfamily @ 6:55 pm
medical and dental insurance cards

Home, car, life, medical, dental. In its various forms, insurance is intended to help save you money. But have you ever wondered why you have separate dental and medical insurance plans? Is there a difference between them? How can you make the most use of your benefits and hopefully cut your costs overall? Keep reading to get the answers to these questions!


Here’s What to Know About Oral Cancer Awareness Month

April 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bearcreekfamily @ 8:10 pm
Dentist treats patient

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, making it a great time to learn about this dangerous condition and how it can be treated early. While you might not think of your dentist as being on the front lines of the fight against cancer, the truth is that they play a key role by screening their patients for signs of oral cancer and referring them to specialists if they find anything. In this way, dentists have saved many lives. Here’s what you should know about oral cancer as well as a few signs that you should have your mouth checked out by a dentist or doctor.


Vital Virtues: 3 Things to Look for In an Emergency Dentist

April 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bearcreekfamily @ 4:01 pm
Man with dark hair and grey shirt having oral examination done by dentist with blue gloves

Even if you and your family practice consistent oral hygiene habits at home, dental emergencies can strike at any time. If you or someone close to you has an urgent situation, it’s natural to feel anxious and unsure about the next best steps to take. However, acting quickly can make a world of difference in protecting and preserving your natural teeth. The first thing you should do is contact someone so that you can be seen as soon as possible, but how do you know who to call? If you don’t already have a go-to provider, keep reading to learn 3 things to look for in a good emergency dentist!

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