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How Can Allergies Negatively Impact Your Oral Health?

April 28, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — bearcreekfamily @ 3:44 pm
a woman sneezing due to spring allergies in Mesquite

Other than seeing the flowers blossom and enjoying the spring breeze, you also know that this season also comes with annoying allergies. While you may have considered stocking up on medications and tissues for this month, you might also want to keep your oral health in mind. If left unchecked, allergies can end up causing complications with your smile and oral cavity that you aren’t aware of. Read on to learn how these bodily sensitivities can negatively affect your oral well-being and the steps you can take to keep your mouth healthy during spring and beyond.

How Do Allergies Affect Your Oral Health?

You may not realize that allergies can contribute to problems with your oral health. Some of the most common issues that can arise include:

  • Dry mouth – Whenever your nose is stuffed, it can make it more challenging to breathe properly, especially if you tend to exercise. In most cases, you’ll start breathing through your mouth, which can allow it to become dry as well as introduce bacteria. This can end up increasing your chance of halitosis (bad breath), gingivitis, and cavities.
  • Sore throat – If you have post-nasal drip due to allergies, the mucus can cause you to experience bad breath and/or a sore throat.
  • Tooth discomfort – One of the most common symptoms of allergies is sinus pain, as the sinus cavity can fill with mucus. This can result in aches and discomfort around your mouth and face. Since the sinuses are near your mouth, they can end up pushing down on the roots of your molars, increasing tooth sensitivity.

Ways to Maintain Great Oral Health During Allergy Season

When managing seasonal allergies, here are several tips you’ll want to consider so that you can protect your smile:

  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, avoid dry mouth, and rinse away any bacteria.
  • Gargle with salt water to eliminate bacteria and draw out the mucus in your sinuses.
  • Brush twice a day and floss daily (or after every meal).
  • Consult your doctor if your allergies are becoming more severe.
  • Visit your dentist if you begin experiencing tooth discomfort or other oral health problems.

Don’t let spring allergies get the better of your healthy pearly whites. Keep the above tips in mind this season, and you’ll be sure to maintain great oral health throughout these months!  

About the Practice

Our incredible team at Bear Creek Family Dentistry consists of multiple professionals who are passionate about taking care of your smile. We offer high-quality, comprehensive, and personalized treatments to help our patients preserve the beautiful and healthy teeth they deserve. If you’re struggling with tooth problems you think might be connected to your allergies, make sure to visit our website or call us at 972-331-5300.

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