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Give Your Child Academic Success with Good Oral Health

August 25, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — bearcreekfamily @ 10:06 am
A child brushing his teeth

As a parent, you obviously want your child to flourish. It’s important that they grow up “big and strong,” avoid illness and find happiness. This flourishing includes their academic success too. After all, good grades in school translate to better jobs and incomes in the long term. However, did you know that children’s oral health can influence their studies? If you want them to succeed in their schooling, their pearly whites must be clean. To learn more, here’s a summary of the matter from your dentist in Mesquite.

Oral Health Affects Academic Success?

As it turns out, a child’s dental care affects their school performance. Poor oral health leads to bad grades.

You see, kids need to focus on school attentively to do well. Unfortunately, though, having bad teeth and gums disrupts their schedule. Research shows that children with dental problems are more likely to have issues at school and miss more class days. Said children are also less likely to do all their required homework. The Office of the Surgeon General has even said that more than 51 million school hours are lost yearly due to oral health issues.

Back-to-School Oral Health Tips

Fortunately, it’s possible to keep absences from piling up by caring for your child’s teeth. Here are some tips to help with that:

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Perhaps the most obvious way to help is to ensure your child practices good oral hygiene. That means making sure they brush their teeth each morning and night.

To make things easier (for you and the kid), stick to a hygiene routine throughout the year. In doing so, your little one will learn to make tooth care part of their everyday life.

Make Brushing Fun

Take your child to the store to pick out their own toothbrush, toothpaste, and other supplies. Doing so will give them a greater sense of control over their dental care, as well as make oral hygiene more fun for them.

Pack Healthy Lunches

Limit the number of sweets you pack in your kid’s school lunch. Instead of giving them sugary foods, have them eat a meal with meats, cheeses, and fresh fruits. The latter items are more nutritious and high in proteins, fiber, and dairy.

Schedule a Dental Checkup

Try to book your child’s next dental checkup before the start of the school year. That way, their dentist can evaluate their mouth and detect, treat, or prevent problems ahead of time.

In the end, healthy teeth will give your child more than a good smile on picture day. They’ll set your minor on their way to academic excellence!

About the Author

Dr. Robert. E. Tafel is a dentist in Mesquite, TX. Using the latest dental technology, he and his team work tirelessly for their patients’ smiles. As such, they offer excellent preventive, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry, not to mention emergency procedures. Whether you’re a little tyke or just young at heart, Dr. Tafel is here to transform your dental care! He currently practices at Bear Creek Family Dentistry and can be reached at his website or by phone at (972)-331-5300.

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