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What Are the Benefits of Traditional Metal Braces?

November 30, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — bearcreekfamily @ 6:09 pm
young woman with metal braces

It seems like there are more options to straighten your teeth with each passing year, so selecting the option that suits you best can be challenging. Even as clear braces are gaining in popularity, traditional braces still have their own benefits.

As you consider your method of treatment, read on to hear from your dentist near Love Field about when traditional, metal braces are still the optimal choice for a straighter smile.

They Are Not Removable

You thought you were going to read about pros, not cons. But it really depends on the person. When someone has clear aligners, they must commit to wearing them for at least 22 hours each day but taking them out from time to time to have snacks can be tempting. It can also be easy to forget to put them back in. With traditional braces, you don’t need this same type of self-discipline to have a successful treatment. Just be sure that you are carefully cleaning your smile regularly.

Treatment Time Is Reduced

Because metal braces move teeth into their new locations using more force, you are looking at a faster treatment time. If you are only looking to close a few gaps or you want your teeth to be aligned quickly, traditional braces may be a more ideal option. Aligners typically require around 40 trays for the standard treatment, and patients still need additional tweaks to be made sometimes.

Superior Choice for Complex Issues

Clear aligners can fix a wide variety of issues, but if you have more complex orthodontic problems, they are probably not the right option for you. This is because aligners work by focusing pressure on the upper portions of the teeth, while brackets exert equal pressure and allow for greater movement. Ultimately, more realignment can take place with metal braces.

Responsibility Is Reduced for You

You’re going to need to do an excellent job of cleaning braces no matter what variety you have. However, keeping track of where your braces are is a nonfactor when they aren’t removable. Invisalign is a great option for many people, but when it comes to keeping track of the aligners, it can be easy for some to run into trouble. Traditional braces mean one less thing you must worry about and be responsible for in terms of their location. If you are constantly losing your phone, keys, or TV remote, you may not want to risk it with clear aligners.

Clear aligners can be a great option, and you can certainly find blog posts driving that point home. But your best bet is to schedule a consultation with your dentist near Love Field and discuss your particular needs. You just may discover that traditional braces are the clear choice for you.

About the Practice

At Bear Creek Family Dentistry, we can meet all your family’s dental needs. We have general dentists who can take care of most dental issues that arise. We also have a full-time in-house staff of board-certified specialists. Our modern, beautiful offices have state-of-the-art equipment and well-trained, friendly, and caring staff. If you are interested in straightening your teeth, we can evaluate your smile and offer treatment recommendations to meet your needs. To schedule a consultation, visit our website and select one of our 12 DFW offices that is most convenient for you.

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