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Do Your Gums Bleed When Flossing?

February 18, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — bearcreekfamily @ 10:11 pm

Do your gums bleed when flossing? You might have periodontal disease. Your dentist in Far North Dallas has the solutions you need to restore a healthy smile.Have you noticed a bit of blood on the floss after cleaning between your teeth? You might attribute it to flossing too hard or that it’s a normal part of the process, but it’s never a good sign. Whether you’re brushing or flossing, bleeding gums often indicate a larger oral health issue brewing beneath the surface of your tissue. Often, it’s caused by an infection that can lead to tooth loss if it’s not treated promptly. Your dentist in Far North Dallas will find the cause of the bleeding to provide the customized plan you need to save your smile.

Why are my gums bleeding?

Sometimes, your gums can bleed from flossing too hard or snapping the thread on the gum tissue when inserting it between two teeth. Most often, it’s the result of the early stages of gum disease. This is a preventable infection that results from poor oral hygiene habits. Improper brushing and flossing techniques, as well as irregular visits to your dentist, allow plaque and tartar to accumulate near the gum line. This irritates the gingival tissue, causing it to become red and inflamed. Eventually, you’ll be prone to bleeding when brushing or flossing your teeth.

Why do I need to treat bleeding gums?

Although bleeding gums may not seem alarming, if you don’t treat the infection promptly, it will slowly destroy the supporting structures of your teeth. Over time, it can cause them to loosen and fall out. In fact, gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss.

Not only can you suffer irreversible damage to your smile, but the bacteria that caused the infection can also enter your bloodstream. As it circulates throughout your body, it significantly increases your risk of several health concerns, like heart disease, respiratory infections, Alzheimer’s disease, or diabetic complications.

How are bleeding gums treated?

If your dentist determines gum disease is the cause, they’ll recommend scaling and root planing, also known as a deep cleaning. A special dental tool is used to remove tartar accumulations above and below the gum line. The roots are smoothed to discourage future buildup while also allowing the tissue to reattach to the teeth to restore a healthy smile.

Besides care from your dentist, you’ll also need to commit to the right oral hygiene habits at home. You may also need more frequent cleanings and checkups to monitor your gum health.

Stop Your Bleeding Gums

If you’ve noticed blood-tinged dental floss, don’t wait until it’s too late to see your dentist for treatment. With the right care, you can stop your bleeding gums and save your smile.

About Bear Creek Family Dentistry

Bear Creek Family Dentistry features a team of specialists who can provide the care patients of all ages need for healthy smiles. Besides preventive dentistry, we also offer a variety of services, including those for complex issues. If you have gum disease, we have the personalized solutions you need to stop the infection. Contact our office today to see if you need gum disease therapy.


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