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3 Ways to Avoid a Dental Emergency During Fall Sports

September 12, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — bearcreekfamily @ 4:20 pm

football player holding a helmet

For some professional athletes, knocking out a tooth is considered normal or even a rite of passage. However, for most of us who play sports casually, that is certainly not the case. In fact, it’s an expensive nightmare. Did you know that it costs about 20 times more to replace a dislodged tooth than it does to buy a mouthguard to protect your pearly whites? Taking precautions to keep your teeth safe is definitely worth the investment. Here are 3 ways to protect against oral injuries and avoid an extra trip to your emergency dentist in Far North Dallas.

1. Get a Mouthguard

A mouthguard is a plastic tray worn over the teeth to protect your pearly whites, tongue, gums, and other soft tissues in your mouth from injury due to impact during sports. When you play a fall sport like football, it’s an absolute necessity to protect your teeth from getting fully or partially dislodged. Most sporting goods stores offer mouthguards for cheap, but it’s worth the investment to get one form your dentist. Your family dentist in Far North Dallas can take impressions of your teeth and craft custom trays designed to provide maximum comfort and protection.

2. Wear a Helmet

In addition to mouthguards, you should also be wearing a helmet to protect against injuries. If you’re a football player, you should be covered on this front, since most schools require a helmet. One thing to keep in mind is to wear the right helmet for the sport you play. A football helmet, for example, might be pretty heavy if all you’re doing is cycling. It might be so heavy that you fall over and cause injury.

3. Stay Safe Even During Solo Activities

Even if you’re just cycling, running, or swimming, you should still be protected by a mouthguard and a helmet if applicable. With any physical activity, no matter how harmless it might seem, there is always a risk that you could get hurt. If you’re swimming, you could run into the hard edge of the pool. If you’re running or biking, you could fall and hit the ground, breaking or knocking out a tooth.

Staying safe is the most important thing when it comes to physical activities like fall sports. Make sure to visit your dentist for a mouthguard and wear it to prevent an extra trip to your emergency dentist’s office.

About the Practice

Bear Creek Family Dentistry has 11 convenient locations around the Dallas/ Ft. Worth Metroplex to meet your needs wherever you are. If you call us with a dental emergency, we’ll do whatever we can to see you the same day you call. If you have a dental emergency, or you want a mouthguard to protect your pearly whites, contact our Spring Valley location here or call (972) 490-1600.

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