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Broken Dental Crowns In Northwest Dallas – What Should You Do?

June 26, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — bearcreekfamily @ 8:49 pm

broken dental crownSometimes accidents happen- that includes broken dental crowns in Northwest Dallas. There’s no telling when these dental dilemmas will occur, which is why it’s important to be prepared and know how to react quickly. These caps that help protect and restore the function of your natural teeth do a lot more than just look pretty, which is why it’s so important to get them replaced if they break. A damaged restoration could put your oral health in danger. Read on to learn what could cause your crown to break.

Eating Hard And Sticky Foods

One common reason that causes dental crowns to break is hard and sticky foods. While these restorations are durable, foods like taffy and nuts can do a number on them. It’s best to steer clear of these kinds of snacks altogether to avoid a visit to your emergency dentist in Northwest Dallas. If you just can’t resist, try chewing them on the opposite side of your mouth as your crown.

Once your crown has endured some wear-and-tear, it may even become damaged eating softer foods like pasta. No matter what you ate, it’s important to immediately schedule an appointment with your dentist to get it replaced. When it’s left unreplaced, you’re leaving it exposed to harmful oral bacteria.

Clenching And Grinding Your Teeth

If you have bruxism or grind and clench your teeth, you could be at a higher risk of breaking your crown. While they’re designed to chew and bite, constant grinding causes unnecessary wear and weakens them. This habit can also have a huge impact on your natural teeth, so it’s best to visit your dentist for a custom-fitted mouthguard if you know you have this bad oral habit.

Improper Installation

Sometimes, a failed crown can be out of your control. If the restoration wasn’t made or installed properly, it can fall off. When you’re searching for a dental professional to have your restoration installed, be sure to ask them how much experience they have and be sure they have the necessary qualifications.

What Should You Do When You Have A Damaged Crown?

The moment you realize your crown has been damaged, immediately try to get to your dentist or call them and schedule an appointment. A broken crown could be painful, so be sure to let them know if you’re experiencing any discomfort. If your restoration gets damaged outside of regular business hours, have the number for a local emergency dentist on hand to prevent further damage and decay.

Taking care of a dental emergency as soon as possible can help you avoid any future complications. Crowns break unexpectedly, so it’s best to be prepared and react without hesitation to prevent further damage.

About the Practice

At Bear Creek Family Dentistry, we’re able to provide all of your loved ones with the services they need. We offer the expertise and knowledge of several dental professionals with different specialties. Get high-quality and fast pain-relieving care for any dental emergency at our practice. For questions or to schedule an appointment, visit our website or contact 214-350-5333.


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