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An Emergency Dentist in Northwest Dallas Answers Dental Emergency FAQs

March 28, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — bearcreekfamily @ 2:04 pm

tooth and medical kit for dental emergencyWhen dealing with an emergency and someone tells you to stay calm, your response is probably, “Yeah, that’s easier said than done.” When you’re told to keep a level head, you find it’s a bit hard to do when all you can is panic. When a dental crisis occurs, all you can think about is getting relief from the pain, and who can provide the relief? Your dentist. But what if you can’t get in right away? You may find that some useful at-home tricks can alleviate some of your discomfort while you wait to see a professional. Unsure of how to handle these situations? Let an emergency dentist in Northwest Dallas answer some common questions about dental emergencies.

What is Considered a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency can be summed up in a few simple words: If it hurts, go see your dentist in Northwest Dallas. Yes, some toothaches can go away by dislodging food, but if the pain persists, it could be an infection that needs immediate attention. While you may not think a busted lip or simple toothache is anything a few ice packs and pain relievers can’t help, your dentist may think otherwise. If faced with a dental emergency, it’s always best to call your dentist office and schedule an appointment.

What are Some Common Injuries?

From toothaches to facial trauma, you’ll likely experience a dental emergency at some point in your life. Here are a few common situations and how you can handle each appropriately:

  • Knocked-Out Tooth. Rinse off the tooth (holding only the crown) and try to reinsert in the socket. Use dental adhesive to keep it in place.
  • Chipped/Broken Tooth. Rinse your mouth to clean the area, and use a cold compress to reduce swelling (20/on 20/off).
  • Toothache. Gently floss to remove any food that is stuck between your teeth. Rinse your mouth. Take a pain reliever if necessary, but don’t put aspirin directly on the gums, as it can burn.
  • Bitten Tongue or Lip. Use gauze to put pressure on the injured area to stop the bleeding. Use a cold compress to lessen the amount of swelling.

How Can I Prevent Dental Emergencies?

Now, we know some emergencies cannot be prevented; however, it doesn’t hurt to take certain precautions to try and reduce the risk. Make sure to do the following:

  • Brush and floss your teeth and gums daily (brush for two minutes twice a day and floss once a day)
  • Visit your dentist for your regularly scheduled six-month appointments to ensure there are no issues arising.
  • Never use your teeth as tools. Use scissors to open bags, not your teeth.
  • Avoid ice, pen caps, fingernails, or using your teeth to bite other hard objects.
  • If playing sports, wear a mouthguard to protect your teeth and gums.
  • If you’re prone to teeth grinding or clenching, talk to your dentist in Northwest Dallas about using a nightguard.

By adhering to the steps listed above, you may not be able to prevent all dental injuries, but you certainly lower the risk! However, if you’ve been in an accident, don’t panic. Using some of these at-home tips can reduce the pain until you see your dentist.

About the Practice
At Bear Creek Family Dentistry Love Field office, we’re here to take care of your entire family! Facing a dental emergency? Not to worry! We have many doctors in our location who can provide quality care when you need it most. To find out more about our emergency dental services, contact us via our website or by calling (214) 350-5333.

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