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Smile! Your Dentist Says It’s Good for Your Health

November 16, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — bearcreekfamily @ 8:18 pm

smiling friendsA smile is a gesture that is universally recognized as a symbol of happiness. It’s a way to greet others that transcends cultural and linguistic differences. But did you know that smiling is more than just a tool to use in social situations? Turning your frown upside down can actually have tangible benefits for your mental and physical health. A dentist in Pleasant Grove is here to talk about how your grin can help you feel good from head to toe.

Mental Health Benefits

Thich Nhat Hanh, a famous Vietnamese monk, once said, “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” That is completely true! While smiling is a great way to show others that you’re happy, the act of smiling in itself can make you happy.

Studies have found that even if you’re having a bad day, forcing yourself to smile can lift your mood. Those who struggle with anxiety and depression may even find that smiling helps them to cope with their condition.

Heart Health Benefits

Smiling is good for your heart — and not just your figurative heart. Research indicates that smiling can lower your blood pressure. It can also help keep your heart rate low during stressful or challenging times. One study even found that people who were holding chopsticks horizontally in their mouths to force them to mimic a smile experienced a degree of stress relief.

Social Benefits

People who have close friendships and happy family relationships are less likely to engage in risky behaviors and tend to have lower overall levels of stress. Smiling helps to forge those relationships and keep them strong.

A smile can make you seem more approachable, and since it is a contagious gesture, you may find that people around you smile more when you make the effort to share a grin with them. You can create a circle of positivity that benefits everyone in your life!

Immune System Benefits

An old adage says that laughter is the best medicine — and that’s not far from the truth. Laughter, which usually begins with a smile, can cause your body to release molecules that fight illness and reduce stress. That’s right — some jokes or a hilarious cat video may help your body fight off whatever viruses are going around the office this time of year.

How to Smile More

One way you can harness your smile’s true potential is by keeping your teeth and gums in good shape. An excellent oral hygiene routine, a healthy diet, and regular checkups with your dentist can go a long way toward preserving your grin’s beauty and its ability to boost your health.

Clearly, your smile is a powerful thing! Use it often and share it liberally so it can boost your mood and contribute to your overall wellbeing.

About Bear Creek Family Dentistry

We’re proud to serve as your general and pediatric dentist in Pleasant Grove. Our practice offers a range of oral health services for the whole family. To discover how we can help your smile stay in great shape, contact us via our website or call one of our offices.

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