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Useful Halloween Tips from a Family Dentist in Northwest Dallas

October 10, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — bearcreekfamily @ 8:40 pm

A group of kids dressed in costumes.There’s no other holiday quite like Halloween. Dressing up in awesome costumes and attending Halloween parties make it a holiday everyone can enjoy. Of course, with Halloween parties and costume contests comes a higher consumption of candy, sometimes throughout the entire month of October! If you end up developing cavities as a result of your candy binge, future Halloweens are going to be far more difficult to enjoy.

Luckily, there are ways you can help your teeth survive the onslaught of sugar. Here are three from a family dentist in Northwest Dallas to get you started.

Pick and Choose Your Candy

It’s important to note that not all candy is created equal, even though all candy is bad for your teeth in some way or another. For example, chocolate is actually one of the best candies you can eat on Halloween compared to other varieties. It comes in less sugary forms, such as dark chocolate, and doesn’t remain on teeth nearly as long as other candy.

In contrast, hard, sticky, chewy and sour candies all:

  • Contain more sugar
  • Stay in the mouth for longer (especially hard and sticky candies)
  • Have a higher risk of eroding enamel and cracking teeth
  • Contain more acidic ingredients (especially sour candy)

If you’re a child going through your haul, consider donating candy that you wouldn’t otherwise eat. There are many non-profit organizations that will donate candy to families in need or troops overseas on your behalf.

Consume Responsibly

With so much free candy flowing into your home, it’s important not to eat it all at once, especially if you’re younger. The longer your mouth is exposed to sugar, the easier bacteria is able to move around your mouth and the more effective cavity-causing bacteria will be.

Instead, consider putting aside some candy away for a rainy day in the freezer or fridge. Avoid keeping it in plain sight on your coffee table or in your dining room. This will only tempt you throughout the day, and snacking on sugary treats regularly will dramatically increase your risk for decay.

When you do eat candy, always do so directly after a meal. The mouth produces more saliva during and after a meal, so it will be better equipped to wash away chocolate and bacteria if you eat it then. Never eat candy directly before bed, as your mouth is more vulnerable to decay while you sleep.

Maintain Strong Oral Care Habits

Lastly, maintaining your oral care habits is critical as you eat more candy. This means brushing twice a day with a fluoridated toothpaste, flossing daily and visiting a dentist every six months for dental cleanings. You may also want to introduce a mouthwash to your routine to strengthen and protect your enamel. Throughout the day, make sure to drink plenty of water and chew sugar-free gum to keep the mouth moist.

Need more advice on protecting your oral health in October? Schedule an appointment with a children’s dentist in Northwest Dallas!

About Bear Creek Family Dentistry

The dentists and specialists at Bear Creek Family Dentistry care about building a foundation of trust with patients, regardless of their age. Treating every patient with compassion and respect is a very high priority for all of our dental professionals. To learn more about keeping teeth healthy during the holiday season or simply schedule an appointment, you can contact the office through our website.

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