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Should You Go to the Dentist or ER for a Dental Emergency?

December 15, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — bearcreekfamily @ 5:33 pm
Cartoon of three teeth, the one in the middle has a siren light and a sad face

When you’re in the middle of a dental emergency, your first thought is likely to be, “What should I do?!” First things first, don’t panic! Whether you’re dealing with an aching or broken tooth, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Your next thought is probably, “Should I go to the hospital or call my dentist?!” Over 800,000 people each year go to the ER for dental emergencies, but many of them should have gone to the dentist instead. If you have a dental emergency in far North Dallas, here’s how to decide whether you should call your dentist or go to the emergency room.


Smile-Friendly Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Kids

December 8, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — bearcreekfamily @ 4:39 pm
A little girl in a Santa hat holding a Christmas stocking and smiling

The holidays are just around the corner! You’ve picked out great gifts for your kids that you know will be a hit this year, but you’re still wondering what smaller presents to put in their stockings. The goal is always to give items that others will love and use, so why not stuff their stockings with gifts that benefit their teeth? Here is a list of smile-friendly gift ideas that your kids and their dentist near Love Field will definitely applaud.


4 Ways to Keep Your Child’s Teeth Healthy When They Are Sick

December 1, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — bearcreekfamily @ 5:27 pm
Mother resting her hand on her sick daughter’s forehead while she sleeps

Cold and flu season is in full swing, which means runny noses, coughs and sneezes are everywhere, especially in classrooms. Regardless of wearing masks, social distancing and cleaning protocols, there are still plenty of opportunities for kids to get sick. If your child does catch a bug, it can be easy to focus on their overall wellness; but don’t forget about their oral health! The mouth naturally carries large amounts of bacteria, so it’s a good idea to minimize bacteria where you can. It may be a while before they feel well enough to visit their pediatric dentist in Mesquite, so staying on top of their dental hygiene is a key part of helping them recover. Here are 4 ways to manage your child’s oral health and help them get well as soon as possible.
