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Pediatric Dentist in Pleasant Grove Prevents Kid’s Cavities!

August 14, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — bearcreekfamily @ 4:05 pm

Your pediatric dentist in Pleasant Grove offers dental sealants. Tooth decay is the most threatening dental issue that children face, and it could potentially affect their smile forever. According to USA Today, tooth decay in children has hit, “epidemic proportions.” A study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention highlighted that nearly half of children ages 2 to 11 have already experienced cavity development in their baby teeth. Even worse, 21% of those children continued to have cavities in their permanent teeth. After reviewing the study, the article came to these main points:

  • Kids frequently exposed to sugary foods and drinks are at a much higher risk of developing tooth decay.
  • Children should visit their dentist by the time they turn one-year old.
  • It’s critical that parents and guardians instill good oral hygiene practices as early as possible.

Your children’s dentist in Pleasant Grove wants to help you keep your little one’s teeth healthy as early as possible. Let’s explore some ways you can be proactive in preventing oral health issues for your children.

1.     Instill a good oral hygiene routine early on!

The most important routine you can establish is making sure your children brush their teeth at least twice a day (two minutes at a time) and floss at least once a day. If your child is young, you will need to help them brush their teeth properly. Make brushing a fun family activity by brushing your teeth along with them or playing music for the duration of 2 minutes so they have a “teeth brushing song.” Also, reward them as they become older and practice consistent dental care on their own.

2.     Help your kids maintain a healthy diet.

Great nutrition goes a long way in helping to protect teeth from cavities. This is helpful not only for adults, but especially for your children. Children should have a rich diet full of vitamins and nutrients and avoid processed, high-sugar foods. A healthy diet gives children the proper elements to build healthy teeth. Here are some foods to add to your grocery list:

  • High calcium foods like milk, cheese, and yogurt.
  • Bright, crunchy fruits and vegetables like apples, carrots, and celery.
  • Have your kids drink water rather than juice and soda that’s high in sugar.

3.     Take your children to the dentist to receive proper preventive care!

Your pediatric dentist in Pleasant Grove offers preventive care including thorough exams, professional cleanings, and dental sealants to help ward off dental problems. Dental sealants are a dental resin that bonds to the surfaces of teeth to protect smiles from decay. This makes your child’s teeth less likely to build up plaque and food in the intricate crevices of their teeth. Other benefits of sealants include:

  • Sealants protect the grooves of the teeth from food particles.
  • Dental sealants are easy to apply, only taking a few minutes to seal each tooth.
  • Sealants hold up well under the force of normal chewing and can last several years.
  • Sealants are affordable and less invasive to prevent cavities.
  • Sealants are white or clear in color, making them virtually invisible amongst your child’s natural smile.

When’s the last time your child visited Bear Creek Family Dentistry?

Has your child had his or her’s first dental appointment yet? Or has it been longer than 6 months since their last visit? It’s time to contact Bear Creek Family Dentistry. We work with you to keep your child’s smile beautiful and strong throughout their lifetime.

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